
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Count {Word of the Year in Review}

This past year I have done a lot of counting. Count. The concept I chose for my Word of the Year for 2014. In 2013, I was in a sense stripped down to nothing in many areas of life. I knew it was time to adjust and find out what really matters (counts). I have to say that I have really enjoyed the journey this realize that maybe some of the things that were in my life weren't really significant. Above all, I learned that no one's opinion of me really counts except for Christ's. His is all that matters.

So here's a look at the counting I did this past year...

The most popular post of the year of counting was When You Get Unfriended. It must have struck a chord with many people. We have all experienced relationships that went sour. The pain is real...especially when you are the one rejected. What counts though is that Christ counts us as friends.

God has taught me that counting griefs as graces is the only way to survive the storms of life. But counting it ALL even the hard events of life as gifts from God can be tough. Ultimately, I began to see that what had been so painful in my life was there to bless me.

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{My Great Grandfather}

Sheep and counting. As an insomniac, I am all too familiar with this "remedy" for lack of sleep. However, the One that never sleeps nor slumbers counts sheep, too. Why? Hop over here and find out.

Community counts because two are better than one. God, Himself, is a part of a community {the Trinity}, and it is in community that we do our greatest growing.

Need to learn to count your days? The marking off of days leaves a mark on our souls if we will start each day in His love.

I know I just told you that we have a God that counts {sheep}, but really God doesn't count when it comes to our sins.

Are you dying to count? We only count when we don't count...

"Was it worth it?", you ask. They turned on you. They hurt you. Was it worth it to love? Yes, because the only thing that counts is to love God and THEM!

Do you want to learn more about the concept of a "Word of the Year"? Next week I will have a review of a book that lays it all out, My One Word: Change Your Life With Just One Word. Much easier than a list of New Year's resolutions!

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