
Friday, November 1, 2013

Wilderness Wanderings

Ever gone on a journey that you never wanted to take? The trip to court. The break-up of a relationship.  The leaving of a place you were comfortable.  The sickness that would never heal.  The guilt trip that never ends. We all face journeys that we never signed up for. You take your seat and are propelled forward.  You never paid for this trip at least not willingly.  But you are paying the price.

God is the God of the journey...

But he brought us out from there to bring us in...Deuteronomy 6:23

The journey He asks us to take He has taken Himself. During the journey we are never alone.  Never forsaken.  Never abandoned.

This past March I started a wilderness wandering of my own. {Actually, it started years ago.}  A journey that brought me to the Exodus.  First it was this Bible study...

but it blossomed from there. Over the past few months the story of the Exodus has become dearer.  Because it is my story.  Join me over the next few Tuesdays and Wednesdays as I explore those trips...the ones we never willingly sign up for.  The ones we pay dearly for.  But most importantly, the ones where God shows up in the middle of to give us a glimpse of His glory.  It is in the journey that we find His love. You can't miss is posted all along the route.

So join me in the journey to find that He loves us no matter where He takes us.

See all the posts..


  1. Those trips are difficult ones to take, but remembering that He is with us every step of the way is so comforting. Plus, we never know how we are going to be shaped and changed by the journey. Nice to meet you!

    I love Beth Moore, and am not familiar with this study. Thanks for highlighting it!

  2. Nice to meet you, Kim! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow -- this sounds like a great series. Lord knows that these journeys can be incredibly hard and yet, He is with us. If I can remember that, it makes things a bit easier. So glad you linked up at SDG!

  4. Those trips are innevitable, painful and hard but Praise God He is always with us... Wonderful post Debbie! I am visiting from Faith Filled Fridays.. Truly a pleasure to meet you!!! Blessings, Natasha

  5. Jen and Natasha- Thank you for stopping by and your words of encouragement! They mean so much!

  6. Hi Debbie! Thank you for your visit today from the blog hop!

    Oh boy, am I ever in the wilderness a LOT! Joblessness, joint pain, yuk. Your story is my story too. We all have to find our way in this wilderness of life...until we reach that Promised Land!

    So nice to meet you :)
