
Monday, November 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Regardless

It doesn't matter what has happened in life.  A life falling apart. Thanksgiving.  A heart torn apart. Thanksgiving. A bad day gone worse. Thanksgiving. An undoable schedule. Thanksgiving.  Loss. Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving regardless.  Not based on circumstances.  But based on Christ.  The Conqueror of Circumstances.


-Snow that didn't fall until the last day of October

-A package in the mail
-Getting through the bad days
-Leaning into Christ
-Peace on a Friday afternoon
-A baby shower to go to
-A children's book translated to read to my students
-Reading a book to a two year old as his mom holds him on her lap.  The privilege of teaching along with parents.
-Date night
-That there are no coincidences with God
-That we are always connect with Him
-Another week of work done
-A quiet house for a few moments
-Getting laundry folded
-Handing out candy to kids (and some of them my students) at the door
-A deeper understanding of things
-Realizing that He will direct my paths
-A night of insomnia (listening to the Bible)
-Getting to go to the baby shower of a woman who never thought she would have kids
-That I can keep counting gifts regardless of the hardships and heartaches of this year

1 comment

  1. Hi Debbie,
    Lovely to meet you. I am following you from A Holy Experience. Lovely counting of gifts. And yes - it doesn't matter our circumstances - we can find the gift of God in each day.

    Janis Author of Tadeo Turtle
