
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Christ in Christmas

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Where do we find Christ in Christmas?  Through the decorations, tinsel, parties, and gifts...does He show up amongst all the distractions?

Join me in December as I explore how Christ can come be a part of Christmas.  The One who started it all should be the One we focus on...

That Which is to Come...A Son
To Carry the Christ
When You Get More than You Bargained for
Genealogy of Jesus {A Family of Failures}
Calling all shepherds to The Shepherd
What to Give God?
From Head to Heel {When Heaven Comes Down}
Crazy at Christmas
No Christ in Christmas?

Each of the above links will become active once the post is up...check back often. The posts will start December 3rd.  More than likely I will be posting on the Tuesdays through Thursdays before the week of Christmas.

May you have a blessed season!!!

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