
Monday, September 16, 2013

Wounded by God's People

 If we were to by honest all of us have been wounded.  If we were to be honest all of us have been wounders.  But one of the hardest aspects of wounding for a Christian is when they are wounded by the very people who should love and support them...other Christians.  As Christians, we have this expectation that other Christians will follow the Golden Rule and do as God asked when He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."  But it doesn't always turn out that way.

This year I have gone through a great period of wounding.  I can't even begin to express the depth of sorrow and grief.   So when I saw the opportunity to read Wounded by God's People by Anne Graham Lotz, I jumped at the chance.

Anne uses the story of Hagar in Genesis to deal with the tough issues of wounding and wounders.  Hagar was wounded by Abram and Sarai. Eventually, she even parted ways with them.  And yet, Hagar was also a wounder in the story.  With great compassion, Anne describes how Hagar is wounded and yet loved on by God. Anne tackles difficult subjects like forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing.  Anne also shares her own story of being severely wounded by other Christians which gave me a sense of peace that I am not alone.  She also brings out the point that Jesus Himself was rejected by the His own people.  Another comforting thought.

Towards the end of the book, Anne writes...

"I can honestly say that I love Him more and trust Him more because I've been wounded. I know that at the end of all things, He will make everything right.  He will sort out the motives, the accusations, the betrayals, the jealousies, the deceptions, the slander, the lies, the gossip.  This frees me to get on with my life, living each moment for an audience of One."

If you are struggling through a wounding or have been a wounder you will be blessed by this book!

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it.  I am not required to give a positive review.  All my opinions are my own.

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