
Monday, September 16, 2013

Gratitude Begins

 Gratitude begins where our sense of entitlement ends.

-A quick surgery for Noah that went well
-Getting through another week of work and school
-The trees changing colors
-God's protection on one of my walks this week
-Awesome Spanish students
-A fall candle in the window
-A crockpot to cook beans in
-Reading some great books
-A son who comes alive in a discussion on worldviews
-Meeting for a book discussion
-Working on chemistry with my oldest
-Another dr.'s visit that turned out not to be major
-A groomed puppy
-Peace beyond understanding even though I don't know the future
-A talk with Dad
-Humor from a son
-A full night's sleep
-Flowers still blooming

I am linking up at...


  1. crockpots and boys discussing worldviews. LOVE it!

  2. Three of these stand out: quick surgery for Noah (assuming it's the precious Noah with Mito, I think.) Anyhow, LOVE that dear family & was so happy to read about the quick repair of his line, God holds him in His Hands. Also, I've been cooking beans in an older crock pot that just bubbles away on a high setting (so no toxins in my beans).And finally, that peace which passes understanding..YES! Lovely to read here my dear, Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
