
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When We "One Another" One Another...

It is the hallmark of a Christian.  That one thing that shows who we really are.  I hate to admit it, but I have failed the test.  I am pretty sure that if you call yourself a Christian you have too.  None of us does it perfectly.  We all fail in how we "one another" one another.

What is "one anothering"? Simply put it is that list of commands that Christ asks us to do for one another.   Most are found in the New Testament.  You know the list..."love one another, be kind to one another, forgive one another".  Christ is adamant that is is our one anothering of one another that marks us as Christians...

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

When we treat each other as we should it is a sure sign that we are His.  Yet, so many times we fail in this regard. I know that I have failed others, and that other Christians have definitely not "one anothered" me. This year has brought me to my knees.  A tough one in which I am learning the importance of one anothering others.  Join me for the next few Thursdays and Fridays in September as I touch on some of the behaviors that Christ calls us to do for each other.  Here is a sneak peak at what I will be exploring when it comes to "one anothering":


1 comment

  1. Great thoughts, and the bleeding heart, what better way to visualize 'one anothering' ? Of course it was the color that got my attention :) but I did read. We get so busy and self-absorbed, don't we? So easily. Looking forward to further thoughts. Thanks for pinning it to get my attention! Joyce
