
Thursday, August 22, 2013

He Holds Back Nothing

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?  Romans 8:32

We fear the "lack of God"...that somehow He is holding out on us.  Yet, God's Word is clear.  He didn't hold back the One most precious to Him.  Instead He gave Him up for us.

When things fall apart or appear to not be perfect we think that maybe God doesn't have our best interests at heart. Eve in a garden was sure that God could have given more. Sarai manipulated her situation to produce an heir because God wasn't fast enough.  Jacob with the help of his mom deceived his brother because deep down inside he thought maybe God wouldn't fulfill his promise to him.  Mary and Martha questioned Jesus as to why He had let their brother pass on.  All these scenarios point to a belief that God holds out on us, but the irony is that He gave us everything we need. He continues to do so.

It has been a tough year.  One of sorrow and heartache for me.  All I can do at this point is trust.  Trust in the One that has never held back His love.  Trust that whatever He is doing it is within our best interests.  Trust that He will arrive on time and come through on time in the midst of our lives. Trust that He is holding us even now.

Is there something in your life that you are worried that God will not provide?  Are you concerned that He doesn't understand what you really need at this moment?  Are you afraid that He won't pull you through? Does it look like He may have abandoned you?  Does it seem like He doesn't care or isn't listening to your prayers? He is the God that gave up His innocent Son for you.  He will hold nothing back that you need.  You can trust Him even when the circumstances look bleak.

He doesn't hold back.  He holds us.

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