
Monday, August 26, 2013

A Bigger Perspective

People who look through key holes are apt to get the idea that most things are keyhole-shaped.  --Author unknown

We need a bigger perspective when it comes to our lives.  When we perceive only the smallness of life (the negative) we get stuck in our thinking.  Giving thanks broadens our horizons.  It shows us that there is more to life than the heartache and routine that make up our days.  If we look closely we will see that those things that we thought were small or negative are actually the very things God uses to bless us.  Give thanks in all things and your perspective becomes large and so does your God.

Continuing my list of thanksgiving...


-That one of my boys has decided to memorize I Thessalonians 5:16-18
-Homeschooling the boys
-Rainy days
-Getting through another hard day
-Deep cleaning my kitchen
-A week to homeschool without having to teach Spanish lesons
-Work for Zach
-Lunch with a friend
-Memories at a laundromat
-Colorful tomatoes
-Clean sheets
-Feeling loved in the midst of sorrow
-Giving gifts to a neighbor
-The maturity of my oldest
-My iPhone...blessed to have it to keep my life in order
-A full Spanish schedule this year
-That healing will come
-Chai Raspberry Tea (never had it before...yummy!)
-Shedding tears for another's loss.  Comforting them.
-The ability to encourage each other
-A nice weekend before the school year really gets rolling
-My ideas for teaching Spanish being published on someone else's blog
-Hugs from an almost two-year-old.  So precious!

1 comment

  1. Ooooh - yes, so many things to be thankful for that you've listed here.

    I love clean sheets too.

    Wishing you a blessed week.
