
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forgive to Live Challenge

If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you will know that forgiveness is a major theme for me. I have struggled with forgiveness because of some things that went down in my family and with other relationships outside of family that blew up in my face.  It has been a long, hard journey as forgiveness doesn't come naturally for me (but then again it isn't natural for anyone!).  How do you let go when you been ripped to shreds?  How do you find joy when your life will be forever changed by someone else's sin?  It is a rough road to travel down to get to the prize (forgiveness).  But worse still is the road that doesn't lead there...the road to bitterness.  About a decade ago I watched those around me who were bitter, angry, and generally unhappy and began to realize that it had in part to do with unforgiveness.  And worse yet, that when they didn't forgive they became just like the monster that perpetrated against them.  I didn't want that for my life.  It hasn't been an easy road.  It has been a struggle all the way, and I promised myself that I will fight for every ounce of that forgiveness.  The fight brings the freedom.  There is nothing better than realizing the freedom that comes from letting go of the anger and hurt.

Last night I stumbled upon the Forgive to Live Challenge and Suzanne Eller's site.  For the month of July she is talking about forgiveness on her blog.  I am looking forward to reading what she has to say and listening to the stories that others will be sharing.  She recently wrote a book called The Unburdened Heart: Finding the Freedom of Forgiveness.  I downloaded it last night and began reading and am getting so much out of it!  That is saying a lot since I have read SO MANY books on forgiveness. When I get finished I will share a review.  If you would like to check out her book, here is a sample.

Is there someone you need to forgive? A parent? A family member? A friend? I challenge you to walk the road of forgiveness.

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