
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What to do after the Bible in 90 Days?

I recently finished reading the Bible and am now looking for some other ways to study the Bible.  I have done all the Beth Moore studies (my personal favorites). So I needed to come up with some new ideas.  There are three studies that I recently ordered online:

I picked the prophets one simply because after reading through the prophets twice now with the Bible in 90 Days program, I am realizing that my understanding of them is woefully lacking.

The other two Bible studies are by Fran Sciacca.  I chose these two because Fran was actually my Bible teacher in high school!!!!  I went to a private Christian school in Colorado Springs where Mr. Sciacca (pronounced "Shock-a") taught.  He was an awesome teacher...I actually remember some of the Bible truths he taught us. And that is saying something considering that I sometimes can't remember what I did yesterday! LOL

I am looking forward to diving into God's Word again!  What great Bible studies or Bible reading plans have you done?

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