
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Here is our tentative plan for school next year...

Noah-5th Grade
Math-U-See Epsilon
Institute for Excellence in Writing (US History-Based Writing Volume 1 and Fix It)
Progeny Press Guides
Apologia Zoology Volume 1: Flying Creatures
Biblioplan  (America and the World: 1600-1850)
Rosetta Stone Spanish

Zach-9th Grade
Math-U-See Algebra I and Geometry (finish algebra in 1st semester and start geometry 2nd semester)
Institute for Excellence in Writing (Character-Based Writing Lessons and Fix It)
Progeny Press Guides
Apologia Biology
TRISMS- Rise of Nations
Spanish I (Possibly using Breaking the Barrier, plus lots of practice with mom since I am a certified Spanish teacher)
PE (Log of exercise and reading Fitness for Life)

1 comment

  1. Stopping by from the hip homeschool hop, we are going to be using the Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy.
