
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Word of the Year- 2011

I have been thinking over the last few weeks what my Word of the Year will be for 2011.  If you aren't familiar with this concept, a Word of the Year is basically a concept you pick to focus on for the year.  For 2009 I picked patience.  For 2010 it was prayer.

This year my word is going to be...

So what is grace?  I have always heard that grace mentioned along with mercy.  Grace is getting what you don't deserve.  Mercy is not getting what you do deserve.

Here are some other thoughts of what grace is...

Grace is God's unmerited favor.

Grace in the kindness from God that we don't deserve.

The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Psalm 145:8-9

Grace-A favor rendered by one who need not do so.

So how can I show grace to others?
-By not judging them.
-By showing kindness to those who can't return the favor.
-By giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
-By being slow to anger.
-By letting old hurts go.
-By forgivinig.
-By overlooking others' weaknesses.
-By looking at the log in my eye instead of the speck in someone else's eye.
-By going the extra mile.
-By showing compassion.
-By realizing that we are all imperfect and make mistakes.
-By being Jesus for others.

Any other ideas?  What is grace? How do we show it to others?

 To see how others are naming the year with a word, visit A Holy Experience.


  1. My word for the year is... LOVE. I want to show it more, notice it more, give it more, and accept it more.

  2. Grace for me too Debbie! :D I made up a little picture of many of the definitions I came across that apply to what I hope to obtain, or rather give, this year. :)
