
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scripture Memorization

For almost two months now I have been working on Psalm 27 trying to memorize it.  It has been slow going.  My brain just doesn't retain information like it used to.  To be completely honest, I haven't spent as much time as I probably should to get it memorized.  The older the brain the more time needed. But that doesn't mean that I am giving up.  I will continue to press on.
Candace's post has inspired me to push forward. There are at least a couple of Bible memorization challenges that you can read about on her blog.

Since I have been struggling a bit with memorizing I decided to search out some techniques that might help.  Here is what I came up with...

First of all, I am using this method of keeping the verses close at hand that I am memorizing. The cards and the accordion moleskine are perfect to take anywhere.  They travel with me in my purse in case there is a bit of time to work on them.

Here is a long list of ideas to help with memorization.

Here is some online help.

Here is a way to memorize all of Philippians.

So I have decided that I am going to take the Mega Memory Month Challenge to try to finish off memorizing Psalm 27.  I have barely memorized half of the chapter so hopefully this challenge will spur me on to finish!


  1. I'm so happy to share Mega Memory Month with you!

    May you see the goodness of the LORD as He helps you through to the end. And as you work at it, may you also trust and see Him at work (I think of the last words of your psalm: "Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.").

    With joy!

  2. Debbie, I'm so glad you are going to join us! I will pray for you, will you pray for me?? (I'm also super excited to see Ann commenting on our blogs as she is one of my favorite authors!!)

    Anyway, after you left your question about memorization on my blog I was going to point out the tips that were on Ann's I am glad you found those! I don't have any fabulous tips...I do like you do, I write my verses on spiral notebooks and carry them with me everywhere. I usually also print off my verse in a pretty font and frame it somewhere in my kitchen. I have wondered about recording it on my ipod and listening to it at night before I go to sleep??

  3. Candace, I will be praying for you! Have you decided on a Scripture passage yet?

  4. Debbie, I am leaning towards parts of Phil.2 or Phil.4...but not completely sure yet. I need to decide!!! :)
