
Monday, October 18, 2010

Redirecting My Thinking

holy experience

Counting my blessings has done wonders for me...redirects my thinking to the positive!

927. Overcoming fears.
928. Getting a bunch of housework done.
929. Extra time to grocery shop.
930. Lunch with a friend at a Thai restaurant.
931. Receiving Noah's new science books.

932. Receiving the first snow of the year that will stay until April.  Better count it a blessing now because by March I will be tired of the snow! LOL
933. Beautiful music
934. A new Bible Study
935. That Beth Moore is working on a new Bible study! James! Can't wait.
936. Time to plan Zach's high school career.
937. The boys showing responsibility.
938. Safety on the roads.
939. Getting a haircut.
940. Bulk cooking so that I don't have to cook each day.
941. Ideas that come to me for teaching.
942. Reading.
943. The boys working hard on school work to get it done.
944. Scentsy!
945. Being able to read Andy Stanley's new book, The Grace of God.
946. Talking to my dad! I love him so!
947. Thai soup
948. A friend's husband coming to Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have been praying for him for years!!!!
949. Seeing a new life in Christ!
950. Hearing his testimony in church.


  1. I enjoy reading your list each week Debbie!
    I've tagged you in a fun meme if you'd to play along!

  2. My heart just rejoices at the news of your friends husband. There are several family members that I have been praying that God breaks thru to them for several years now. This is just the encouragement I needed to keep interceding. Salvation is truly a miracle and so beautiful to behold!

    Human Anatomy and Physiology is a huge interest of mine!!!! Enjoy the study! I've taught biology using Apologia and was very impressed. I can only imagine the Human Anatomy book is wonderful!

  3. So cool about your friend's husband! Rejoicing with you!

    Bulk cooking is a great way to go. I need to try to get back to that!

    Amy @ Missional Mama

  4. I enjoy reading your lists too, Debbie. I hope you guys enjoy the Anatomy study. We are using that same study this year and we have loved it so far!
