
Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: In Which We Learn How to Study!

We are plugging along in school...finally getting into the groove of things.  That isn't to say that things have been normal around here. Tim was gone most of the week so that he could be in a movie!  He has a small part in Everybody Loves Whales which is set to be release in January of 2012. He had to shave his goatee so he will be coming home looking like a different man.  Most of the film is being shot in Anchorage...his part, that of a Californian father, was shot in someone's beautiful home.  They even put palm trees outside the home to make it look like it was in California instead of Alaska. Tim missed his opportunity to meet Ted Danson...they were putting make-up on Tim when Ted was making the rounds introducing himself.  I was like, "Honey, you really could have skipped the make-up in order to go meet a famous actor!" LOL Tim wasn't supposed to have lines, but he ad libbed a bit and now has some!  We will see if they keep the lines or if they get cut.  So after 11 hours of filming (which included wardrobe and make-up, rehearsal, etc.) Tim is done with his movie career!

On Monday the boys and I went to a seminar called Study Smarts. This is a program that teaches kids how to study and stay organized.  The original program is set up for public schools, but the creator of Study Smarts came up to give a seminar for homeschoolers.  While we probably won't use everything that was suggested in the program, we did come away with a lot of great ideas to make getting our schoolwork done in a more efficient manner.  The speaker, Jeremy Cox, was funy, engaging, and motivating!  It was awesome! If you ever get a chance, go to one of his workshops!

1 comment

  1. Love the idea of the study skills sermiar! I'm going to have to see if we have anything like it around here.
