
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In the Beginning...

Last week I was digging through some boxes of old books looking for a copy of Bruchko: The Astonishing True Story of a 19-Year-Old American, His Capture by the Motilone Indians and His Adventures in Christianizing the Stone Age Tribe which I ended up not finding. Guess what I did find??

My very first Bible given to me by my parents on July 3, 1978, just two months before I gave my life to the Lord! What a treasure that I didn't even realized that I had!  Interestingly enough, this Bible had highlighting in it.  I was surprised that being that young I had already started to highlight verses. Genesis 1:1 was highlighted.  I don't think I have ever marked that verse in my Bible, but as a child it spoke to me.  Now today that highlighted verse still does, but in a whole different way. How appropriate that that verse should be marked considering that it was my beginning in my relationship to the Lord!
Through the years I have grown to love God's Word more and more.  I have learned to memorize it, read it in its entirety, pray it back to God and meditate on it.  It has become more precious to me over the years. It has freed me from bondage, given me hope, helped me cope, corrected my thinking, disciplined me, revealed God to me, and the list will never end. Now as an almost 40 year old women I have numerous Bibles, but none is more precious than the one where it all began.