
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Three Column Blog

Well, as you can see, I have changed my blog once again! I know that I am so fickle!!! I have wanted to have a 3 column blog for awhile, but haven't had the time to mess with it. Something new and exciting will be happening on my blog in the next few months and I wanted to change everything before that gets up and running. Today I went to this site to figure out how to change everything. It took some time, but the instructions were clear. So what do you think of the new look?


  1. I like it! But now I want to know what's coming up? :)

  2. Love it, Debbie. I am just getting started with blogging and wow...there are a lot of options. I read your link about the 3 column blog and my head started to hurt so I closed it! lol Love your blog though :)

  3. Melanie- I totally understand about your head hurting! I have avoided changing my blog until I felt more confident...changing it to three columns was a little overwhelming, but overall an easy thing to do.

  4. Your blog looks great! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I actually managed to make my blog 3 columns too!

    Thanks again!
    TOS Crew
