
Friday, June 5, 2009

Earthquake Lapbooks

Here are some pictures of our earthquake lapbooks. We went over concepts like magnitude, the Ring of Fire, faults, P waves and S waves. You can find the lapbook components on Homeschool Share. Here is Noah's lapbook...Here is Zach's...Here is the magnitude chart we did...Here is part of Zach's lapbook...a Bible story about an earthquake...


  1. Thanks for sharing Debbie! I plan to do this lapbook in a couple of months with the kids. It looks great!

  2. Debbie, your boys lapbooks look great!! And, love the 3 column look and the colors!! :) Oh and the puppy is SO CUTE!!

  3. I've never seen this lapbook "done" before! :) Great job to your boys and thanks for sharing. :)
