
Friday, May 22, 2009

Our History Plans for 2009-2010

For history this coming year we will use Biblioplan for Families: Ancient History. Biblioplan is basically a reading schedule for history. To read my other post about Biblioplan and how it is set up go here. For ancient history we will do six units: Creation, Egypt to Judges, Nation of Israel, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient East. For Bible to go along with our history I just purchased Remembering God's Awesome Acts. We will not do all of this program...we will only focus on the Bible and history parts of it. We just started it this week and will do a little of it over the summer. So far it has been really interesting! Both the boys and I are learning so much! This program incorporates history, Bible, art, writing, linguistics, and archeology. We will probably skip the art and writing since we do art with another family and we have a separate writing program. The way the book is set up makes it easy to choose what sections you want to do. When we are done the boys will have created a notebook of what they learned. If we enjoy this enough, there is a second book called Remembering God's Chosen Children that we may use. Whereas Remembering God's Awesome Acts covers creation through Moses, Remembering God's Chosen Children covers continues the story line and covers the Israelites in the wilderness, the judges, and the kings of Israel.

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