
Thursday, March 19, 2009

WeE-Books from The Old Schoolhouse

I would like to tell you about this great online resource from The Old Schoolhouse, WeE-books. WeE-books are downloadable mini-books (like magazine articles) from TOS website. They are affordable, costing about $1.95 per book. The three books that I downloaded were Homeschooling the Rebel Part I, Homeschooling the Rebel Part II, and A Light Unto My Path. The first two e-books were meant for me! I have a rebel in our house and homeschooling him has been a challenge since day one. I am always looking for ways to better my relationship with him and make our daily routine go smoother. In these two articles, Deborah Wuehler describes the doubts and fears of parents who live with a rebel, how to recognize the “triggers” that set off a rebel, and how to homeschool a child who falls into this category. As I was reading Deborah’s descriptions of how a rebel functions, I felt as if she were writing about our family and our challenges! She describes a rebel as a child who “tends to be extremely intelligent and to push the boundaries wherever possible, employing manipulative strategies.” This describes my rebel to a “T”! Deborah gives awesome advice on ways to respond to a child who tends to rebel. Some of her ideas include showing forgiveness to the child, seeking areas to praise the child, and being consistent in discipline. She gives many more ideas…these articles are not to be missed if you are struggling with a rebel! You can purchase them here.
The other e-book that I purchased was A Light Unto My Path. This short article describes how “light” is an important concept in the Bible. The articles lists several (over 10) verses that you can study that deal with light. Donna Rees, the author, also listed resources for further study and there are printable copywork pages for your students. There are about 13 verses neatly printed out for you child to copy with space underneath to do the copying! What a great resource to add to your homeschooling day if you want to study what God’s Word says about light! You can order it here.

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