
Friday, March 20, 2009

Homework E-book by TOS (The Old Schoolhouse)

I recently downloaded an e-book from The Old Schoolhouse store called Homework: Juggling Home, Work, and School Without Losing Your Balance which costs $12.45. The description given on their website accurately details the contents of the e-book. Here is a portion of the description….

Are you looking to creatively supplement your family's income? Would a home business even work for your homeschooling family?Whether you are. . .

*Considering a new home business endeavor, or already working from home
*Seeking creative ideas, or exploring opportunities that might work for you
*Wondering how to set up a home business
*In need of some inspiration, encouragement, motivation or advice from experienced home'preneurs who've been there
*Wondering how others manage homeschooling and homework and continue to smile
. . . this E-Book, HomeWork: Juggling Home, Work, and School Without Losing Your Balance contains the information and support you are looking for!

I do work from home and have my own business. I am a certified high school Spanish teacher and have been giving Spanish lessons in my home to homeschoolers and private school children for years. This e-book was helpful to me because there are many times I get discouraged with having to juggle it all. There are days in which I wish I could just homeschool and manage our home and leave it at that. But reading all the experiences in this book gave me new hope and reassurance that I can manage both. I love reading about how other homeschooling families set up their schedules and how they blend their schooling with the business that they run. Many of them said that organization is the key, and I would have to completely agree! If I didn’t keep myself highly organized, then it would all fall apart.

The first three sections of the book are stories of homeschooling families and their home businesses. Many types of businesses are highlighted: computer work, creation of curriculum for homeschoolers, a sewing business, retail businesses, etc. The next two sections give practical information on how to run a business, for example, how to keep your financial records in order, how to prioritize your day, how to declutter your life so things will run smoother.

I gleaned a tremendous amount of information out of this book. If you are looking at possibly working at home and homeschooling at the same time, this books is for you! You can order the book here.

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