
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Third Day

We went to see Third Day in concert last night. It is still terribly cold (-37), but it was good to get out of the house! The concert was awesome! Third Day is from Georgia so this weather is amazing to them. You can go on their blog and see them outside in the cold here throwing water and watching it freeze...Mac Powell (lead singer) was saying we were nuts for living here, but then he admitted that we would think they are nuts if we went to visit Georgia in the summer with its heat and humidity!


  1. I can't believe you went to see Third Day and I didn't even know about it! How do you keep something like that to yourself?!?! LOL! (just kidding, I know you put it on your blog! HA!) I love Third Day and they are probably one of David's favorite groups. :) Sooooo jealous!!

  2. sorry, me again, by the way...has anyone else mentioned trouble with posting a comment on your blog? It gives me trouble every time and I have to try 2-3 times before it will "take." I'm not sure why!?!? Just thought I'd see if anyone else has had trouble...

  3. Candace-No one has told me they are having problems...are you sure that you are logged in on your google account? I go to my dashboard first and that logs me in automatically before I go to anyone else's blog to comment.
