
Friday, January 9, 2009

Heart of the Matter Meme

Here is the topic for the HOTM meme this week:

2008 is behind us and we are two weeks into the New Year! In considering your resolutions, or simply your hopes and goals for 2009, how do you plan on accomplishing them? What is some great advice you can give someone about homeschooling?..or maybe you simply have some encouragement for parents of your own! Can’t wait to read the posts…remember that many people struggle with the after-Christmas let down. What keeps you positive?

In order to accomplish my goals this year I need accountability. One of the ways I am doing this is with support from family and friends and by making a commitment to blog about how far I get each month.

As far as homeschooling goes, my best advice is to love on your kids and realize that when you have a bad day it won't last forever. Sometimes I get so discouraged with how things are going, but I have to remind myself that whatever we are struggling with in homeschooling (new concepts, character building, etc.) that we will eventually get through them and there will be progress even if it is inch by inch! As I have heard one homeschooling father say, "Homeschooling isn't a sprint, but rather a marathon." We need to enjoy the journey and our kids instead of rushing to get everything done!
Here is the link to read more HOTM memes from other homeschooling families.


  1. So true. We definitely have to remember this is something we are in for the long haul, so to speak.
