
Monday, February 10, 2014

Receiving Gifts

Though I fail to realize it time and again...everything...EVERYTHING comes from God.  We receive nothing unless He gives it.  Thanking Him today...


-A 17 year old in the house
-God working out details before I even realize that I need a little saving
-Friends returning
-A new book to practice doodling

-Safety on the roads
-Being asked once again to help with the curriculum at a local summer Christian camp
-The ability to influence others for Christ
-Beautiful sunrises (if you look past the poles)

-That He works all events out for our good and His glory, no matter how painful.
-Getting a new dishwasher soon
-Showing grace
-Incredibly funny moments with my students
-A great week of teaching
-Discussing literature with my boys
-Freedom in Christ...that He has set me free
-Grace shown to me by a friend
-Phone conversation with someone I greatly admire

1 comment

  1. -Freedom in Christ...that He has set me free
    -Grace shown to me by a friend

    Those are two of my favorites!
