Who made us the Judge and Jury? That we could claim that we know a man's heart. Or a woman's heart. We do it all the time. We make judgment calls on all. Yes, we are supposed to discern behaviors and use wisdom in dealing with others. God even gives us guidelines on certain behaviors...
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared. Proverbs 22:24-25
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I Corinthians 15:33
Yet, most of the time we go overboard...judging a person's heart harshly. Recently, I was reading The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness: The Path to True Christian Joy
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
He doesn't convict us. It doesn't matter what we have done. It doesn't matter how badly we messed up or embarrassed ourselves. He doesn't look at what we think of ourselves. And He really could care less what others think. There is no jury out on who we are. There is only a Judge that makes a final decision...amazingly before our story is even finished! I will take God as my judge any day over myself or those around me!
In The Unburdened Heart: Finding the Freedom of Forgiveness
We give a pencil to others and we say, "tell us who we are." If they write words that hurt, we embrace that as our story. No one person should be responsible to write our story. God is the only One who can truly hold the pencil. Regardless of our past or what others say, it is His words that define who we are. If we ever grasp that truth, then we no longer give anyone else permission to write the story of our lives. In fact, we take our pencil and we begin to write His love on the hearts of others.
Will you hand over the gavel and the pencil to the only One who is capable of judging and writing your story?
Ouch! I am definitely guilty of judging harshly! I enjoy finding you at Ann's as you make me think of Alaska & my dear son in Fairbanks. (USAF) Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
Cynthia- So happy to "meet" you!! You have a son in Fairbanks? It is such an awesome place to live! Blessings to you!
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