I love God's Word. It has pulled me out of the pits of anxiety, depression, sin, etc. too many times to count. I have read through the Bible a few times (maybe three???). Two of those times I have used the
The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day (New International Version)I am gleaning so much from reading a different translation. It is making me stop and think instead of reading without thinking it through because the wording is so familiar. I am also loving reading chronologically. For example, at the beginning I read the creation story and then a few Psalms related to creation. After Genesis, you read Job (since many scholars believe that Job lived during the time of Genesis). I am getting to see a whole new perspective!
More than anything in life I want to encourage others to read God's Word. It isn't as hard as I used to think. It can be done with a little perseverance and a desire to know God better. There are so many reading plans out there that you can find something that will work for you. Check out You Version online for a great Bible app and different reading plans.
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