I love listening to Andy Stanley preach! A few years ago a friend of mine introduced me to him through his messages on the internet. Since then I have read his book It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart and used it to teach a series in my Jr. High Sunday school class.
When Book Sneeze offered me an opportunity to read his newest book I jumped at the chance. The Grace of God doesn't disappoint!
Andy takes you through the Garden of Eden, the Ten Commandments, the intertwined lives of Joseph and Judah, the disobedience of Jonah, the thirsty woman at the well and all the way to the modern day church. I gained such a new perspective on God's grace and how He relates to us. My biggest question/struggle in life has always been, "Am I good enough?" and "What do I need to do to earn God's favor?" This book blows those questions out of the water by expressing,
"Whereas God's expressions of grace were innumerable, his requirements were minimal."
"Grace is no reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God."
"God initiated a relationship with his people before he even told them what the rules were." That's interesting because I have always tried to follow the rules to be worthy of the relationship.
If you are struggling with God's grace and how it works or if you are wrestling with extending grace to others, I would highly recommend reading this book!
Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it. I am not required to give a positive review. All my opinions are my own.
Thanks for sharing!
thanks for sharing. i am trying to spend more time in the Word this week. my husband gently admonished me this last weekend...was a good thing. it does feel so much better to be spending time in the morning in the Bible and in prayer. not always easy to carve out the time. :)
We have listened to Andy Stanley for many years. Always entertaining, ecouraging, and informative. I will try to get this one from the library.
Thanks and Blessings
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