Ever felt stuck? Like you keep trying to move foward, but you never seem to get anywhere? I have struggled for years with anxiety...we are talking Years! I can't tell you how much I hate it. How it has majorly affected/affects areas of my life. I have felt stuck to it like there was now way out. There have been times when I have thought, "I am conquering it...I am going to beat it this time." ...only to find myself back at step one. It is deja glue...been there, done that more than I care to admit. I am stuck and don't know how to get out of it.
Recently, I took a look back at my life to see if I have made any progress. Maybe a "deja vu" is what I needed to see that I wasn't as stuck as I thought I was. As a child, I could barely look people in the eye and talk to them. But as an adult, I taught at a local high school in front of hundreds of kids. As a child, I feared new situations so much that I could barely cope. As an adult, I may get a tinge of butterflies, but I push forward. As a child and even into my early adult years, I feared house fires and intruders. Today I don't even think twice about them. Slowly, over the years, God has picked me up from my fears and helped me conquer them...maybe not all of them, but enough of them for me to see progress.
So my "deja vu" is not the "deja glue" that I had thought it was.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
God has begun a good work in me...I am not complete, but neither has He left me stuck. He is continuing to work on me. It might be a slow process. It might seem that I have "been there, done that" a thousand times, but He is not going to give up on me! He will carry it on to completion! Praise God!
Little by little, He is changing who I am. Now, I may always struggle with anxiety a bit on this side of heaven, but I can still say,
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalms 40:2
You, too, may have a pit. A place you are stuck in or visited one too many times. Mine is anxiety, but yours may be a totally different issue. Do you feel like it's a "deja glue" experience? Like you will never get out? It will never get better? Rest in Him...that whatever He started He is going to finish!
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