
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

When You Don't Understand Your Story

Let's face it. God doesn't always make sense. His ways are confusing, and because He is the author of our story we don't always see where our plot is taking us. I have been in a season of "senselessness" in that much of what is happening in life doesn't match up with my idea of order and meaning. Why has He allowed those events and people to come into my life? What is He up to? Does the pain have a purpose? How will He finish my story? For me, some of these questions have been YEARS in the making? No resolution. No neat package tied in a bow. No puzzle finally finished. Just a bunch of loose ends.

God is teaching me in these confusing moments how to trust Him with the pieces of life. To place in His hands my story and let Him finish the writing. Sure, I would rather write my own ending. Having control of an outcome feels safe. I think I know how the ending should go in a perfect world. In the world according to Debbie. Yet, it isn't my world and it isn't my story. So the ending is not mine to write...It is His.

Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
To tell you my story is to tell of HIM.
-Big Daddy Weave

I don't understand now, but maybe someday I will. For now, it is a challenge enough to hand over the details of my life and trust Him to continue creating a story line. How about you? Can you hand over the pen and let Him write your story? Can you trust Him even if you don't understand in the here and now? Can you have peace that He is using the pain to create a beautiful ending? You may not understand now, but someday you will.

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