
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Websites to Help You with Your Walk with God

I know you are probably thinking that the title of this post is all wrong. Wouldn't it be better to get OFF the internet and spend time with God? You are exactly right! However, there are several site that I use to actually help guide me in my time with Christ. Here is a look at a few...

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The first one I will mention is a dear friend of mine. We have known each other a long time even though we haven't met face to face. I love His Mercy is New! Candace has several devotionals that I have gone through in which she teaches you to pray through the Scriptures. My personal favorite is Wait Only Upon God in which you spend forty days focusing on what it means to wait on Him. She recently posted a series of devotionals {They are free!} on HOPE.

She Reads Truth is another great site to find Bible reading plans. There are all kinds of can read through different books of the Bible like Hosea and "The Peters" or you can do something more topical like hospitality or thanksgiving. With each Bible reading for each day there is a short devotional thought to go with it.

Another site that I have used in the past is Women's Bible Cafe. You can sign up for online Bible studies with other women. I tend to use this site though for new ideas on Bible studies that I can do as the owner of the site tends to be in the know of new studies that are out. I am probably going to do Anonymous: Discovering the Somebody You Are to God sometime soon based on the site's recommendation.

When I want to listen to a sermon online I tend to go to North Point. I have gleaned so much wisdom from Andy Stanley, the senior pastor of North Point, and the other pastors that work with him. I really was convicted by one of the newer series called Brand New in which Andy talks about how we as Christians should treat those around us. It isn't about the rules {not that we should ignore them}, but it is about relationships. Besides, all the rules that God ever came up with had to do with our relationships to God and others.

So where do you go for resources to maintain your walk with Christ?

1 comment

  1. i don't know if I have particular sites. I know that i use this one for my bible readings.
