
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Anonymous {You are Somebody to God}

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Do you ever feel like you are a nobody? A person without a name? The one that others overlook or worse yet reject? I have been working through Cindi Wood's Bible study, Anonymous, over these past few weeks. I think we all go through times when we feel like the unloved one...the one no one cares about. However, in God's eyes we are always a "somebody". We are never overlooked by Him regardless of what others think of us or what lurks in our past. 

Anonymous is a six week Bible study that delves into the lives of four nameless women in the Bible: the woman that anointed Jesus, the woman with the issue of blood, the woman at the well, and the woman that committed adultery. Cindi gives each woman a name according to what they experienced in life: Judged, Hurting, Ordinary, and Shame. I don't know about you, but I can relate to every single one of these experiences.

I particularly loved the week with the woman that anointed Jesus. Cindi brings out the fact that this nameless woman was judged by others but loved by Jesus. So many times in life we need to listen to what God says about us rather than those that surround us. I have to admit that I struggle with putting God's opinion in the forefront of my mind. The judgment of people is sometimes easier to perceive than the love of God, but as the study points out, "His great mercy trumps every judgmental thought from those around you."

I have also known shame. Mainly, for me, in the past few years it has been shame that has stemmed from what others have done to me. I know that sounds crazy. We think that those that sin against another should feel shame (and I think some of them do), but those that are sinned against feel the sting of shame...a shame of unworthiness at not being treated like they should. That is why the highlighted words below were so precious to me. God can take the shame of what we have done or what has been done to us and flip it so that it becomes a shining moment. Almost unfathomable, but I have seen it play out in my life.

So if you struggle in any way with being a "nobody" maybe it's time to fill your heart and mind with the idea of being "somebody" to God. Anonymous  can start you on that journey.

Also, here is a great post from my friend Wendy over at about the struggle to be a  a somebody and not a failure. You will be blessed by what she says!

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