
Monday, March 2, 2015

Wisdom from Literature

I love to read. Honestly, without a good book in hand I can feel rather lost. As a homeschool mom, I have been able to relive my middle school and high school days by reading great literature in order to teach my boys. There was so much that I missed in those years. I have come to realize all over again the power of a story. They can teach about life and impart wisdom. While I believe God's Word is first and foremost when it comes to doling out wisdom, we can also glean great ideas from the stories we read. Over the next few Fridays, I will be sharing my favorite quotes from literature I have read in the past...Austen, Dickens, Hugo and a few others will be on the list.
Here's a look at what's coming up...

Les Miserables {March 20}
J.R.R. Tolkien {April 3}

{Please note that links will be live on the date of posting.}

Will you join me? What are your favorite quotes or tidbits of wisdom from literature?

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