
Monday, March 16, 2015

Paper Folding Salvation Message {in Spanish}

For years, I taught children and youth at a local church. I so enjoyed my time working with young people and helping them develop a relationship with God. That is why I love my friend, Anne Marie, and her website. Future Flying Saucers is filled with Bible lessons for kids. She has lessons on salvation, lessons related to holidays (i.e. Christmas and Valentine's Day), and lessons from both the Old and New Testament. I particularly LOVE her lesson on Cain and Abel, an object lesson on how our sin affects others. Sometimes as human beings we think we live in a vacuum and our sin won't spill out onto others. That is never the case! Anne Marie's object lesson demonstrates how  our sin can destroy the lives of others.

Last fall I had the privilege of working with Anne Marie on one of her lessons. No, I didn't create the lesson. The ideas are hers, but I did help by translating into Spanish her paper-folding salvation message. This object lesson walks kids through what Christ did on the cross for us (a great message just in time for Easter!) and then leads kids to respond. So now her site contains an English version of the lesson and a Spanish one! If you work with kids in Spanish please check it out!  Here are the links to each version:

Also, take a few moments to browse her site! You may find a lesson or two to use in the near future!

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