
Monday, February 2, 2015

Great Expectations {Bent and Broken}

{Photo by Jenny Rollo}

There are times when you read a book, and it grabs you and won't let go.  Great Expectations has been that book for me. Maybe it is the unforgettable characters like Miss Havisham still dressed in her gown from her wedding day (which was years ago) and shut up in her home with all the clocks stopped at twenty minutes to nine. Maybe it is the journey of Pip as he becomes a man and realizes that all he sought after may not be the ultimate goal. Maybe it is the cautionary tales interspersed in the novel of unforgiveness, selfishness, and revenge. Whatever the reason, the plot line has fascinated me since I was a teen. I have read the book three times and more than likely will read it again in the future...

To read the rest of this post please hop on over to Future Flying Saucers where I talk about Dicken's novel and give some resources for the book.

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