
Saturday, January 24, 2015

On My Book List {2015}

This year I started with no real plan on what I was going to read. I have been kind of wandering around looking for something. And when I don't read, I go crazy! I know there are people who don't like to read, but I feel lost without some time spent each day soaking in a book. So here is a list of books that I am planning on reading in the first half of the year...

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Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest will be a re-read for me. Bonnie Gray's memoir helped me heal last summer when I was a part of her book launch. We share similar stories...both sufferers of anxiety because of life experiences. Here is my original review.

Wait Only Upon God: 40 Days of Praying the Scriptures in the Waiting is what I will be using during the Lenten season (February 18-Easter) this year. This is another re-read for me as I have already read it to review it {See here.} My Word of the Year is HOPE and this fits perfectly as waiting on God is hope in Him.

I am going through The Jesus I Never Knew  along with the study guide with a friend. We will be getting started soon, but I have read the first chapter and really like the premise. I am hoping that Yancey's book will give me a new perspective on Christ.

Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All caught my attention on Ann Voskamp's blog this past week. All of us struggle with keeping a tight rein on our tongues, and our relationships suffer for it. I struggle to know when to give grace and when to speak truth. Our words are powerful and can bring life or death depending on how we use them.

Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love was recommended to me by a friend. I have never read anything by Sally Clarkson but have heard about her books for years. A guide to an intentional life.

I am intrigued by the premise of  Donald Miller's book, Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy. It is a look at being authentic no matter what. Being who you really are. I struggle with this as I tend to mold myself to what others want and need. I have found though that in the end it really doesn't work. Can't wait to read this one! {Comes out on February 3rd}.

Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose. sounds like a book I learn how to stop chasing perfection and leap into life with faith.

So what are you reading this year? I would love to hear as I am always on the lookout for a good book.

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