
Monday, December 1, 2014

God's First Creation

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Over this past year I have been learning how valuable it is to slow down and take a short passage of Scripture, write it out, journal about it, and pray it back to God. It is the method I have actually used to heal from some severe heartache that happened a couple of years ago in my life. So that is why I am so excited to be able to do that same method during Advent this year! 

I am going to be using Jesus, Light of the World written by my sweet friend Candace. Each day she provides a Scripture, devotional thought, and a prayer using that passage.  I am adding to it a bit by writing out the passage (not necessary, but helpful to me to slow down and focus on what God's Word is saying). There are 31 days of Scriptures focused on light so I will be doing this past Christmas (basically every day in December).

Today we start at the beginning. The very beginning...Genesis 1:1-3. As I wrote out these verses and meditated on them something struck me that has never hit me before...the first thing that God created was light. How much we would need it in our lives! We cannot live without it. He knew then what we would desperately desire...the light to dispel our darkness, depression, and the dismal existence we so often find ourselves in. God's first creation and solution to what ails us was and is the Light {Jesus}.

So there is still time to join in and focus this season on Jesus as the Light of the world. Candace's e-book is still on sale (only $3.50) through today.  So worth it! Will you join me?

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