
Friday, December 5, 2014

Five on the Fifth {December}

Last month on the fifth I shared some of my favorite blog posts that I had read.  Here are five more that I have read since then...

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{1} I am currently reading Les Miserables and LOVING it!  Yes, it is about 1,500 pages. Yes, there are times it drags a bit when Hugo gets into a lot of background information, but the story is not to be missed.  I really enjoyed this post from Beth that includes her review and a plethora of quotes from the book.

{2} I never really celebrated Advent growing up because I was raised Southern Baptist.  However, as an adult Advent has become a precious time for me.  Candace over at His Mercy is New has a great post that really explains the tradition well. She also offers a list of resources to celebrate the season!

{3} Have you ever felt lonely? I have over the past few years gone through a tremendous season of loneliness. It is/was hard, but honestly there have been so many blessings that have come from it.   My relationship with God has grown by leaps and bounds. Lysa TerKeurst's post on loneliness really resonated with me.

{4} In the next few weeks I am going to order a Journaling Bible  as I have been journaling more these days in response to God's Word. This is a great post about the process!

{5} Right before Thanksgiving I read Bonnie Gray's post on gratitude. I loved what she had to say about how brokenness and gratitude can mix. Brokenness doesn't mean that we can't be thankful.  We may experience sadness and thankfulness all at the same time.

So what have you been reading on the web lately?

Linking up at Ben and Me...  

5 on the Fifth

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