
Monday, November 24, 2014

Praying the Scriptures for Your Family

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Ever feel at a loss on how to pray for your family? Not sure what they really need most? Candace over at His Mercy is New has a great resource that has helped me pray for those I love. Praying the Scripture for Your Family uses God's Word as the basis for our prayers for those closest to us.  There are thirty-one days of Scriptures. Each day you are provided one Scripture, a prayer and then space to journal a more personalized prayer.  Also, included is a calendar with all the Scriptures listed. I participated in praying for my family in October, and I found it to be powerful and helpful to use God's Word as I prayed for them. It gave me enough guidance so that I wouldn't flounder at a loss of what to pray and yet enough freedom to make it personal to our lives. What could be better than to use God's own words to pray back to Him?!

So if you are looking for a guide in your prayer life I would highly recommend Praying the Scriptures! It is a downloadable e-book for only $2.99.  So worth it!

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