
Sunday, November 16, 2014

On My Nightstand...All Things Bitter, Relentless, and New

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I don't know why I do this to myself...starting one book and then another and another.  I am an avid reader, but there are times when I overwhelm myself with books.  This fall I have read quite a bit. I have spent a couple of weekends on the couch with a virus reading and trying to recuperate.  Here's a look at just some of what I have been reading...

I have loved reading Thom Gardner's books. He has several on dealing with emotional healing that I have found to be very helpful. I recently finished another one of his, Relentless Love, in which he talks about God's mercy. We cannot give mercy unless we are convinced of His mercy towards us. His words are beautiful...

Mercy is the supreme source of hope for those who are battered and depleted. In the end, nothing else will bring peace to us but the name of God. In the name of God we are drawn to a table of grace rather than one of negotiation.

Gardner encourages us to not "see the deed but rather the need" behind every hurtful circumstance. Can we look beyond what others have done to us and look at their hearts realizing they themselves are in great need? Jesus did. We are called to do the same.

If there is a book not to be missed this fall it is Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things. I LOVED this book! It is essentially a memoir of a woman's journey through barrenness and how she comes to find hope and healing through the difficulties of life. I read this one in about three days (with the help of that virus that demanded me to rest and because this book is just that good!). You won't want to miss her story and how God works.

Sara writes, "Each blow has a treasure of Him, hidden deep, made for our searching out."

Finally, there is a new devotional at my bedside, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional. Not that I am much of a devotional gal. I actually don't like devotionals! If I am going to sit down to read God's Word I want to go deep. However, "deep" many times means "duration"...a longer time in God's Word to pull out insights. That is why Paul David Tripp's New Morning Mercies is such a great devotional. There is so much depth on one page!! The devotions within its pages don't have that "feel good" and have a great day sentiment. Tripp's writings make you think and really give you something to hang onto for the day. This one is going to hang out by my bedside for a long time! Tripp has also written to other devotionals that you can read about here.

So what are you reading these days?


  1. I do the SAME thing as an avid reader. I have about six books on my nightstand currently, but cannot seem to finish any of them . Need to check out the first book about Mercy. So so needed today.

  2. Rebekah- Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Glad to know I am not alone.
