
Friday, November 28, 2014

Jesus, Light of the World on Sale

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I hope you have had a blessed Thanksgiving! Now we are on to the Christmas season.  It is amazing how fast the year has gone by.  I wanted to let you know that one of the Advent resources I have recommended on my blog before is on sale currently...

Jesus, Light of the World is now 50% off (It was $6.99) until Cyber Monday! If you are wondering what this resource is about check out the review I have here on my blog. I love the idea of praying God's Word back to Him, and this e-book allows you to do just that during this Christmas season. 

This advent season I will be using Jesus, Light of the World in my personal quiet time. I will be adding a feature though...I will be writing out the verses that Candace provides before writing out a prayer. I have found for me that I can focus more on God's Word when I slow down and write portions of Scripture. I can't wait to get started on Monday!

Candace has another resource for praying the Scriptures for your family which is totally free today! So check it out also!

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