
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bitter and Sweet {Five on the Fifth}

Marcy over at Ben and Me has a new link-up, Five on the Fifth, in which she is asking bloggers to share the five best posts from other blogs that they read in the past month.  Here is my list of great posts:

Bitter and sweet. It really has been a theme this month in my blog reading.  Let's start out with something sweet...

These coconut oatmeal cookies were AMAZING!  I had some leftover coconut and was sure glad that I used it up this way.

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I love reading Candace's blog because of her suggestions on what to read. This past month she had a post on Every Bitter Thing is Sweet. I went ahead and downloaded the book based on her review. What an inspiring story!!! One that is not to be missed! {Warning: I cried through big portions of it. Get the tissues before you sit down to read.}

In the Bitterness there is Sweetness, is a post by Bonnie Gray from Faith Barista. This past summer I read her book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest, which is a memoir of her childhood and her road to healing. In her post she describes that while life has been bitter at times she is trying to seek out the sweet.  I love the "er hu" {a Chinese violin} that she plays at the end.

Something a bit bitter...The Burdens We Bear, written by Marni Arnold, gave me some insight into those that abuse. They can't handle their emotional pain so they give it to others.  I had never thought of it this way. It gave me compassion for those mistreat others. They are hurting and deal with their pain in an unhealthy way.

Finally, let's end with something sweet. I haven't had a chance to make these yet, but they are on my list when I get up the gumption to bake again! Flourless brownies...they look delectable!

I am linking up at...

5 on the Fifth

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