
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Jesus Knows

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...Jeremiah 1:5 {NASB}

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. Friends came over.  Birthday wishes given.  A wooden sign burned with a phrase.

Jesus knows me, this I love.

My initial reaction was "Oh, how funny and how cute!" But then it hit me.

For almost a year now, I have walked into places where I have not been known. New life situations. New churches. New relationships, but I am not known. I don't even know myself because of life circumstances. I am becoming someone I am not. I can't even figure out who that is. At times, it scares me. The timid child turned adult who used to worry about what others think does not exist.  She is someone entirely different, and honestly I have no idea who she is. But He does.

You and I can face anything because we are known.  Not known by others and not even known by ourselves, but by the God that fearfully and wonderfully made us. He KNOWS us even in our messes, confusion, sin, loneliness, or heartache. He LOVES us in all of it, too. We can't be loved less or more by our actions, thoughts, or life circumstances. We can walk into the unknown because we are known by God.

Jesus loves me, this I know...
Jesus knows me, this I love...

I am linking up at Testimony Tuesday.

Holly Barrett


  1. Debbie,
    I love how you are doing the difficult things that take courage! Yes, God knows us like no one else can and we can do those brave things because we know him. Lovely! (Stopping by today from Holley's link-up.)

  2. Loved this, debbie - well said, well-written- I hope you're encouraged today in writing/posting/trusting. And I loved the plaque! (I bought a plaque for ME yesterday that I will post soon) - but I'm attempting to memorize the first 18 vs of Ps 139 and yours goes right along with (to end a sentence with a preposition...) blessings. saw you on linking w/ holley berth.
