
Monday, December 2, 2013

The Greatest Gift {And a List}

{Christmas Cactus in full bloom}

God gives the greatest gifts.  The best being His Son.  Specific gratitude helps us realize that everywhere we turn God is giving.  There is no place where God is not there giving of Himself.


-One of the best Thanksgivings ever!
-Delicious food
-Watching "Catching Fire"
-Black Friday shopping...not so much about the shopping, but rather hanging out with friends
-Unexpectedly meeting extra friends for lunch on Black Friday
-A nap after shopping
-A Christmas cactus
-Finding gifts
-Birthday plans
-Total peace about this past year
-Finally coming to a place of gratitude for all the heartache
-Titan enjoying the decorations on the tree

-Decorating the house for Christmas
-Starting to read The Greatest Gift

-A great class 
-An answer to prayer
-Getting Christmas gift baskets ready
-The opportunity to give to others
-Reading Christmas fiction
-Waking up early and getting work done

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