
Friday, November 29, 2013

The Wall Around Your Heart by Mary DeMuth

Sometimes we get hurt so bad that we want to give up on the whole idea of relationships.  It can get so hard that our hearts harden to those around us.  Mary DeMuth has written an excellent book on the subject, The Wall Around Your Heart.  She takes the Lord's Prayer and uses each line of it to guide you through emotional hurts.  For example, in "May your name be kept holy" we learn that we need to let God be God.  Allow Him to deal with our relationships instead of trying to take the reins or be vengeful. With "And forgive us our sins", we learn that we need to focus on our contribution to the relational breakup and let go of the pride we harbor that the other person is the one totally at fault.

I have to say that I have read a lot of relationship-type books this year, but Mary's book has really touched my heart.  You can tell by her insight that she truly gets "relational messes".  She has an incredible story of overcoming abuse and heartache which gives a person hope as you read through her book.  If you are struggling with the condition of any of your relationships then this would be an excellent read!

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it.  I am not required to give a positive review.  All my opinions are my own.

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