
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Got Glory?

The wilderness is the place of glory.  God's glory.  His "kavod".  The Hebrew word for glory. Kavod was originally used for the battle paraphernalia of a warrior, yet the word means heavy.  Quite appropriate for a shield, sword, or armor.  Don't the tools of the trade for a soldier weigh heavy upon him?

The stuff of battles is never light.  The weapons of war carry weight.  So does our God.

In the wilderness, Moses requests a glimpse of His glory (Exodus 33).  The weight of God. Can anyone measure it? Can anyone stand under it?  Can anyone look at His glory and live? Apparently not...

Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."

And the LORD said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you..."

But He said, "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."

{Exodus 33}

His glory is in His goodness.  His weight is in His weapons of war.  Could it be that His goodness shines forth when He comes to our rescue? When He fights on our behalf? When He wages war in the wilderness...that place where we are wandering, not knowing where we are going and what is around the bend.

He fights because He is unwilling to surrender...

"I will not yield my glory to another."  Isaiah 48:11

Are you walking in the wilderness?  Are you living under a weight of worry? There is a God.  The God.  The Weighty One.  The one that is heavier than the burden you carry.  The One who will not give up His glory to another.  He will fight for you.  He will show you His goodness.  He will pass by.  He will cover you with His hand.  You are loved.

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