
Thursday, November 7, 2013

God of the Underdogs

Everyone loves an underdog. Even God.  Especially God.  Every person He ever picked was an underdog of some sort: David, Paul, Jacob, John the Baptist, Mephibosheth, Gideon, Esther, Moses, and JESUS.  Yes, even Jesus was considered an underdog here on earth.  Matt Keller's book discusses how God loves an underdog, how He uses them, and how they hold a special place in His heart. I found Keller's book to be uplifting and encouraging.  While I am very familiar with the stories of all these Biblical heroes, I found new insight on how to deal with life when you are in the role of the underdog.  God is for us even when a lot seems against us!

Keller's book covers several "underdog excuses" like "I am not qualified enough."  or "I am not connected to the right people"  or "My past is too bad."  With each excuse, a Biblical figure is given to demonstrate how we don't need excuses on our side...we just need God.  If you are feeling like an underdog right now I would highly recommend reading God of the Underdogs!

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it.  I am not required to give a positive review.  All my opinions are my own.

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