
Monday, October 21, 2013

The Fall

“Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more, something other.”-Ann Voskamp


-Early morning places to be...getting to see the sun rise
-Warm temperatures
-Fun activities to do with my Spanish students
-Books arriving in the mail
-The opportunity to give a gift to someone I miss
-Our extended autumn
-Hearing from others the journey they have taken
-Knowing that I am not alone
-A sense of freedom
-The deep grief I am going through
-Compassion that God is building in me for others that hurt
-Understanding that He is El Roi, the God that sees me
-Pain (praying that it makes me more like Christ)
-Dinner provided by a friend out of the blue
-That God is always good and I am always loved regardless of how others respond to me
-Gratitude because without it I would not have survived this year.  It has kept my head above water.

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