
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Meal Kits

Meal kits are another way to package food for the freezer.  What is a meal kit you ask? A meal kit is when the meal is not fully assembled, but the parts are prepped, frozen (or on the pantry shelf or in the fridge), and ready to be thrown together for a meal.

Here are some examples...I have put an (F) by those things that can be frozen.

Pizza- Unbaked balls of dough (F), bag of shredded cheese (F) or fridge, sauce and toppings (either on the shelf or in fridge depending on what they are).

Tacos- meat (F), the rest of the ingredients on the shelf or in the fridge

Pasta and sauce-  Sauce (F), pasta on the shelf ready to be cooked on day of serving

Stirfry- Meat, sliced (F), veggies (F), noodles or rice, sauce

Sloppy joes-  Meat (F), buns (F)

Nachos- meat (F), beans (F) or canned, bag of cheese (F) or fridge, veggies like onions and peppers (F) to saute the day of serving

So as you can see not every meal has to land in a casserole dish to be a frozen meal.  There are several that actually lend themselves to be packaged separately and pulled together on the day you serve it.

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