
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Freezer App

I have been "freezer cooking" for several years now.  It is easy for me to pick out recipes, make a grocery list, and then throw together the meals.  It is after that that things fall apart. I tend to be disorganized as soon as I fill my freezer with all the meals for the month. I am not good at keeping a list posted on the fridge of the available meals.  Or when I have actually made a list I lose it. But a few weeks ago I got an app for my phone called "What's in my Freezer?".  This app is making it a bit easier to keep track of what is actually available to us for meals.  You can input the name of the meal, where it is located (in my case I have two freezers so it is helpful to know which freezer to look into), and the category of the item (main dish, breakfast, veggies, etc.). The one aspect of the app that I really like is that I can filter my list.  So if I am just wondering what there is for breakfast I can narrow down the list to only breakfast items.

The app does cost (about a dollar or two), but I have found it to be worth it!  How do you keep track of your freezer meals?

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